Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dead models are hot???

So, I'm not the biggest Kanye fan. I just don't really dig his music and generally have a slight distaste for such egotistical megalomaniacs, but I do love the horror genre. And I love when it gets more exposure in the mainstream.

So, we will see, but I may have to respect this.

I do, however, enjoy Nicki Minaj who is featured in this video.

Not really a fan of the latest Ludacris track she's in, though I do enjoy her verses. 

It's going down, basement.
Friday the 13th, guess who's playing Jason? 
Tuck yourself in you better hold onto your teddy,
It's Nightmare on Elm Street and guess who's playing Freddy??

Granted these are pretty easy lines and you might say a cheap pull at a horror enthusiast's heart, but her delivery and performance are just so good. From those fiercely present yet vacant eyes to the expressions on her face, I buy it.

Skip to 2:10 for Nicki's part.  



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