Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Skyline trailer (hosted by Apple Trailers)

Interesting trailer here for a movie I've been hearing a lot about lately. I know it's more sci-fi, but I think horror and sci-fi are two genres that really do bleed together, so you'll be seeing sci-fi stuff on here too.

The trailer... I really do hope all of you loyal readers watched it until the end, because there is a pay off waiting for you.

What do I think? Well, I really like the use of the news anchors. I've always really found that to be a great way to advance a storyline/idea that may be somewhat outlandish in a very serious way. I think we're so wired to take what these people say seriously, to shut up and listen, that a bit of that effect translates to film as well. It worked wonders in the Dawn of the Dead redo's opening credits, but I suppose Johnny Cash had a little something to do with that as well.

I don't know how I feel about Stephen Hawking but this last little bit of imagery is certainly jarring... 

But I'm a little nervous that this visual may be the be all and end all of the movie. Its a great, unsettling scene but I just hope the movie has more to it than that. This is just a teaser, so I suppose time will tell. 



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