Wednesday, October 13, 2010


First off, despite the tag attached to this post, this article is not a review.

The poster for Catfish warns you not to let anyone tell you what it is, so don't worry I won't. 

What I will do is tell you what it's not. Catfish is not a horror movie. Or a thriller. I'm not even sure that it's a documentary, as the people behind it claim. More on that a little later.

What it is a character study, a commentary on the modes of communication of our time. That's not a bad thing, but I feel as though this film has been misrepresented in the advertising campaign accompanying its release.

I debated even completing this post, but I figured other horror whores like myself might get tricked into seeing this film under the assumption it was a horror movie. I repeat, it is not a horror movie.

Apparently, it's a documentary. And the events that transpire are 100 per cent real. I don't fully believe that. Either way, the events of the film are easily predictable. There are countless people who engage in the kind of behaviour that transpires in Catfish.

There's nothing surprising about it. The heavily built up "last 40 minutes" of the film play out almost like an episode of Dr. Phil. You'll get what I mean if you see it.

All in all, this isn't a bad movie but it is definitely being misrepresented as a thriller, or as being of a Hitchcock-ian nature. I'm not going to review it, as this is a horror blog and again, Catfish is NOT a horror film. I just wanted to give all of you a heads up on what you're getting into if you go see it.

But go see Buried instead.


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