Saturday, November 19, 2011

"Death by drill"-- Youtube uploader NateGoldman needs to be put on some kind of watch list...

If you can watch this:

...without feeling sick to your stomach, then there is something wrong with you. The cutting of the hair. The sadism. The humiliation. The production values. The cuts and edits that demonstrate the time it took to put this video together.

Even on a non-sentient piece of circuitry as this, such acts are highly disturbing.

I fear NateGoldman may well be the next Picton or Cleroux. He would probably like that comparison. I should stop, lest he come to my house, shave my head, drive nails through my feet and proceed to torture and burn me.

Anyways, I am so perturbed so as to forego my usual kisses and hug sign off.

Watch your backs,


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