And y'all probably know I have mixed feelings about it. Sorry, that was just the Southern part of me coming out. Some of those accents on there are laid on so thick, they stick to you.
Anyhow, Sunday's premiere had some good moments, some bad ones and some that barely registered.
I still feel as though this season is going to be as convoluted as ever. They are trying to flesh out the characters a bit, which is good. Except for some of them are just so annoying... Ahem... Lori, ahem...
And Carl, the little boy, there's just something wrong with his face that I can't put my finger on.
But as long as they keep fleshing out (and defleshing) the characters and don't go on another CDC Atlanta style tangent like they did at the end of last season, then I think they just might be okay.
Everything after the zombie attack on their camp last season was just disastrous. Not in the fun way, either.
And as long as they keep giving us awesome sequences like the one screen grabbed from above, I will keep tuning in.
I mean who can argue with somebody exploding out of an RV washroom and screwdrivering a zombie in the brains through their eyehole?
As reproduced here:
And here:
This fella sure can't.
Anyways, here's hoping they keep up things like this.
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