Thursday, January 6, 2011

Vanishing on 7th Street evokes childhood nightmares...

This shit has terrified me since I was a child. This is a still from an episode of Are You Afraid of the Dark entitled The Tale of the Super Specs. In it, putting on said Super Specs allows the wearer to see into another world layered on top of our own, one filled with the shadowy beings featured in the above screen grab.

Thing is, becoming aware of these other worldly beings makes them aware of you too, to the point where they slowly advance on you with horrible purpose. 

Here's the episode. The show intro is worth a watch at the very least. 

Anyhow, what got me thinking about this childhood trauma was the trailer for the forthcoming Vanishing on 7th Street.

Looks like an interesting concept, depending on how well it's executed.

Vanishing comes out On Demand tomorrow for you all more plugged in people than me, and will hit black out theatres for a limited run sometime in February. Maybe we will get it here in town.



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