Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Red Riding Hood...

As many of you know, there's a part of me that will probably never evolve beyond the mentality of a fourteen year old girl. And right now, that teenage girl inside me is quivering with excitement. 

Here's the trailer for Red Riding Hood:

Granted this looks like it could actually be a slight retuning of Twilight. Some of the shots look like they were lifted right out of that movie. Same director, so why not stick with what gets tweens wet, right? It worked on me.

And ever since Mean Girls, that teenage girl inside me has loved Amanda Seyfried, and that love only grew deeper with her delightful turn in the hugely underrated Jennifer's Body. She has dramatic chops, and though I have nothing against Kristen Stewart, she ain't no Amanda, that's for sure.

The trailer is quite nicely put together, and the shots suggest a nice aesthetic to me, so my hopes are pretty high right now.

Not too mention the near timelessness of the subject matter. This story has been passed down for hundreds of years and a fresh take with a bunch of fresh faces just might prove to be good. Also, depending on who's telling the story, the grotesquery of the tale varies, with some versions even having our little Red unwittingly cannibalizing her own grandmother.

So, they could take this in any number of directions. I do hope the love story elements don't drag the thing down though, but we'll see.

What this trailer looks like to me is a little bit of Twilight with a dash of Sleepy Hollow thrown in. Intriguing to say the least.

I just hope I don't cream my little red tween panties before March!



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